Real Estate Professionals Feeling Brunt of Recession
- “Our survey shows that both personally and professionally, they (real estate professionals )have had to make significant sacrifices to adapt to the new environment,”
Lack of financing may derail growing housing investments
- Investors are a driving force in the housing market
- housing supply only set to increase
- leaving the market in the hands of first-time homebuyers — many of whom no longer qualify for credit because of tightened underwriting guidelines.
- "The concern is that there may be a limited pool of such buyers and that first-time buyers will not be able to fill any void."
Industry Responds to Government's Request for REO Rental Ideas
- government is considering inventive ways to divulge excess inventory and return stability to the housing market
- As foreclosed homeowners are forced out of their homes, the rental market becomes increasingly competitive, and the need for affordable rental housing rises.
- The industry has responded with enthusiasm, ….. Suggestions include lease-to-own options, rent-and-hold, and joint profit sharing.
- selling homes to owner-occupants remains the most desirable option
As Home Rents Head Higher, Owning Regains Its Appeal
- Climbing rents for apartments are combining with a continued decline in home prices to push once-reluctant home buyers into finally taking the plunge, say economists and real-estate agents
- real-estate agents say they are fielding more calls from anxious tenants complaining about rising rents
- rising rents, coupled with slumping home prices and interest rates near record lows, are boosting demand for homes at entry-level prices.
- "The equation of renting versus owning is becoming much more favorable for owning,"
- research found that the cost to rent an apartment was about 15% higher than the cost to own a home. Conditions are "overwhelming in the favor of buying now. It is unequivocal
- "The entry-level market is back,"
- It isn't always easy for individual home buyers to make it to the closing table, however. Lending and appraisal standards remain tight, keeping many would-be buyers out of the market.
- number of homes purchased by investors rose 65% during 2011 to 1.2 million, representing 27% of all sales.
How Can Renters Solve the Housing Crisis
- keep your eyes peeled for a private sector player to seize this opportunity to create America’s first national investor mortgage brand.
- The estimates are that half a million investor loans close every year, and who owns that niche? No one.
- This drastic increase in rental demand is a by-product of the foreclosure crisis. Use it against the crisis by turning it into positive cash flow investments for those willing to be confident and take a risk in this environment.
- create housing options for newly minted renters,
- Good credit renters and buy-hold investors will be the heroes at the end of this saga.